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Graphics & Content Creation

Take your branding and design to another level with custom-made graphics that bring your business to life.

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What are Social Media Graphics?

Social media graphics are curated branded images that can be used on various social media platforms, websites, and printed materials to help promote your brand, product, and message. By using quality graphics, helps break up text-heavy areas and gives a visual representation of your brand for readers to enjoy.

Graphics are used for everything from enhancing the appearance of website pages or a blog post, throughout all social media platforms, printed materials such as magazines, brochures, and posters, company signage, infographics and much more.

When creating social media graphics, it is always important to keep your audience in mind. Consider what kind of image will appeal to them and help them understand your message better.

It's also important to make sure your image is sized correctly for the platform you are using. For example, images for Facebook are better suited to 1200 x 630 pixels, whereas for Instagram posts, they should be square posts that are sized 1080 x 1080 pixels.


Content Research

Learn industry trends, facts, tips and interesting information to develop desirable content that the target audience will understand and engage with.


Design Graphics

Create cohesive and beautifully designed graphics that follow the specific brands color scheme, messaging and tone of voice.



Submit graphics to the client for feedback and retouch any graphic content that needs to be revised before final submission.


How Will Branded Graphics & Content Creation Help Your Business?

Branded graphics and content creation will help your business by creating a consistent and recognizable look for your overall online presence, including your website, social media presence and printed materials. This makes it easier for potential customers and clients to recognize and find your brand, along with building trust and credibility. Remember, it takes the average person about 7 times to recognize your brand, so consistency is key!

Your online presence and quality of your graphics and content creation say a lot about your business - so make sure it looks professional and cohesive. Using the same colors, fonts, and imagery that is on-brand is crucial, showing viewers that you are a reputable business that cares about their online and offline image.

What Our Customers Say

I asked Social rhino to help me take over my Facebook page for my clothing company. I needed to grow my business and get my name out there to not just local prospects, but prospects all over. Social Rhino created me my own graphics and posted them, and up'd my groups engagement and interaction. What was a handful of customers grew into business I can be proud of. But most importantly, it gave me my time back to do other things to grow my company.

- Veronica Li

Frequently Asked Questions

What is graphic design?

Is it best to keep the same graphics and design across all platforms?

What is branding?

Why is branding important to a business?

What are the rules of a graphics?

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